Ahh, spring is here. It's actually kind of freaking me out. Seriously, it's March and it's about twenty degrees warmer than usual. It's been like that for WEEKS. I'm not complaining at all, no way, I'm just a little suspicious (and I'm not the only one) of what this means for the summer. I can only imagine the two extremes, that it'll either be unbearably hot in June (done that) or it'll snow (I think the latest snow I've seen in my lifetime was when it snowed in May in STL when I was twelve). But until the weather decides to freak out, I'm going to kick back and enjoy being able to leave all my heavy clothes at home, and try to figure out where I'm going to store all my knee socks until it gets cold again.
Oh, no. I think I just jinxed it. Maybe I'll just leave them where they are until July. Anyway.
Things are going pretty well in general. Work is going well, though I still need more to do, but I'm sure it's lying in wait for me. Plus after what I've heard about my old department's progress, I'm really okay staying where I am. They can move my desk, but I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Or more, I could do more, if anyone's offering. Starting to think about plans for the summer. I haven't been dancing as much lately, which I feel bad about, but I'm too cheap to go to lessons every month, and Monday night is not as convenient as Saturday was, but I need to start getting active. I feel like a blob. I'm probably not, but I am glad my boyfriend likes walking a lot.
Oh, and I'm already sick of it being election year. Last election was an issue of who did I think would do a better job, this election is who am I least likely to punch in the face? Seriously, where did they find these people? Some of them are so conservative that I am shocked that more people haven't seen the connection between ultra-conservatives and Islamic extremists. Not ALL Islam, just the crazies who don't think women should have freedom, and that fun is a ridiculous capitalist idea. Oh, boy. It's all so depressing. And I'm just going to say this now, purely my opinion, I do not mind if you disagree with it, just please try and respect it: if you're a man trying to impose your will on what a woman can do with her body and the associated functions, DON'T. Unless you can have a period/child/yeast infection, you cannot attest to anything that a woman feels on any of those points. Some days I wonder if people even know how to treat other people like human beings. Also, your faith is not the only faith. I'm sorry, this is a really big planet, there's a lot of people around, you're not wrong for what you believe in, but neither is anyone else.
Okay, okay, okay, I'm done. That's it. I will not talk about this stuff again this year (hopefully). I hate how torqued off I get. That's what I really, really hate about elections, it makes us all a little bit insane.
Anyway, better things to talk about. No PrincessCon this year, schedules can just not be worked out, sadness, but I'm sure travel is in my future. And I know my friends really want to go to London for next year, but to be honest, I've been to London. I want to go to a beach. Plus it's going to be expensive and I don't think I have enough vacation time for a week there. I don't know. I'm trying to psych myself up for it, but I don't really want to spend a thousand dollars on travel and burn all my vacation time just yet. I'm planning to move out soon, and that's going to take a good chunk of things. I don't know.
Gosh, what's with all the complaining? Enough of that.
Eric and I had a great double date over the weekend with our friends Adam and Dianna. I cooked my curlycue alfredo, and finally nailed the alfredo recipe. I've been having issues getting it to thicken, turns out if you just keep adding cheese, it works out fine. Eric made asparagus and a salad (I love his salads), and set a lovely table. Adam and Dianna brought tasty bread pudding for dessert. We enjoyed dinner and the lovely weather, watched Megamind (excellent flick), played some Quirkle (I won), and went down a rather bumpy slide (ow, my tush). Our friends left and though it felt like it was only 10 at night, it was actually midnight. Spring is blowing my mind, but at least my sinuses haven't totally exploded yet.
Let's see, Kaleb's mystery party is this weekend, apparently my swordfighter character carries a bow (seriously? I'm carrying a sword anyway). I also plan to wear a corset and a skirt, so I may be an unusual looking guard, but hey. We'll see how it all goes. And then April is here. Holy cow.
Muppet Show theme will now be stuck in my head, and hopefully yours too.
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