Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day three!  Today was the summation of a lot of hard work and searching and really just a fun reason to go shopping...princess photo shoot day!  Well, it had to be better looking than the year before when I looked like a glam rocker who'd been in a fist fight.  And I didn't need to wear fake nails.  Woot to that.

Well, the morning started off with breakfast and oohing and ahhing over our fantastic crafts and t-shirts.  And then several pictures.  Have I mentioned we like to photograph our stunts?  It helps a lot.  We went out to the roof and took some sun and pondered our photo shoot themes and settings and paraphernalia.  Thankfully Hana's house is so wonderfully picturesque so we could stay in the house.  Plus no one really wanted to head out into the relative wilderness.  We got all dressed up and did hair and make up, because that's how we roll.  I really liked my dress, pretty emerald green with a sweet bird print on it, however it'll be too cold to wear until summer or a really warm spring day.  Plus the crowns!  We all looked pretty fabulous and got to shooting in and around the house as our characters.  We got some great portraits, and a few goofy pics as well.  I'll admit, we like to be goofs, but it's more fun that way.  Our princess specific theme pics turned out great: Juniper playing the harp and looking very grand, Mayapple with her animals and looking knowing, Valerian mixing potions and being coy, and Hemlock with something sharp looking and quite menacing.  It really makes me smile.  A lot.

Holy cow, my friends make me happy.

After a while, we all got a little tired and hungry and discovered the time to do close ups is at the beginning of the photo shoot, aka, not when we did it, but we still had a pile of awesome.  We agreed the best group shot was of us up on the roof in our princess get ups with our crowns and sunglasses in the sunset.  Being goofy.

After that it was time to decompress, look at stuff, eat food, pack up a little, and of course head out to the hot tub for one last soak.  We had a great time reflecting on our weekend and planning for the next day, and just being together.  PrincessCon 2012 SW was an epic success.  And it's weird, but I always get a little sad right before the vacation ends, because I can feel it coming, and I don't want it all to end, but when the moment comes, usually I'm okay.

Le sigh.


  1. I'm just 'objecting' to see if it will say "1 objections".

  2. I object to your egregious use of my objection button.
